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FROGTAPE Delicate Surface Painter's Tape with PaintBlock, 1.88 inch width, Yellow (280222)
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FROGTAPE Delicate Surface Painter's Tape with PaintBlock, 1.88 inch width, Yellow (280222)

Product ID: 4066497
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Product Description Get super sharp paint lines on your next project with FrogTape Delicate Surface Painter’s Tape. This premium washi painter's tape is treated with exclusive PaintBlock Technology to seal tape edges and prevent paint bleed. Plus, delicate surface painter's tape is specially designed with a lower adhesion level to help prevent surface damage on delicate surfaces like freshly painted walls, coated wallpaper and decorative projects. From the Manufacturer FrogTape Delicate Surface Painting Tape is a low adhesion painters tape designed for use on freshly painted surfaces (greater than 24 hours old), faux finishes, primed wallboard and primed wallpaper. It will remove cleanly from most surfaces for up to 60 days. FrogTape is the only tape treated with PaintBlock technology, a super-absorbent technology that reacts with latex paint and instantly forms a micro-barrier that seals the edges of the tape, preventing paint bleed. This results in super sharp paint lines and professional results on baseboards, crown moldings, door and window frames and more. Each roll is 1.88-Inch wide and 60-Yard long. The plastic canister FrogTape comes in keeps it from being damaged (such as the edges being nicked), and keeps dirt and debris off the tape. You can also re-use the empty canister for storage of nuts and bolts, screws, or nails. It is also recyclable.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Imran F.

Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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