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6L Sphagnum Moss Substrate Dried - Sphagnum Moss Moisturizing Peat Moss for Orchid Phalaenopsis Tropical Plants and Terrariums Garden Supplies
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6L Sphagnum Moss Substrate Dried - Sphagnum Moss Moisturizing Peat Moss for Orchid Phalaenopsis Tropical Plants and Terrariums Garden Supplies

Product ID: 204525228
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Cultivation Medium Features:1.This cultivation medium is pure natural, Its materials used is clean and bacteria-free, which can reduce the risk of pests and diseases;2. Water holding and drainage performance is good;3. Excellent ventilation performance ;4. Corrosion resistant and long lasting, you do not need to change all the materials when transferring them to other basins 5. It can be used alone or mixed with other substrates, making cultivation works easyThe use of Sphagnum in carnivorous plants in cultivation:1.It can be used alone. The pure water moss can be used for the cultivation of the majority of carnivorous plants;2.Mixed with peat, perlite, etc., to improve the permeability of the substrates and moisturizing properties;3.It can be used in some parts, for example, it can be placed in the upper part of the substrate to moisturize the plants, also on the bottom of the pots to prevent the loss of fine-grained substrates, improving the moisturizing properties of substrates and enhancing the permeability of the bottom.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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